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learn How to make money with PTC sites

What is Paid-to-click site and how to make  money with it


Paid-To-Click sites are the internet’s recent best money making program. It is the easiest way to earn money online without any investment. This business needs only less skill to work, just login and view AD’s daily and Get paid.
PTC acts as a MiddleMen(agent) between advertisers and customers(Viewers). A simple Revenue sharing program, in which viewers will earn real money from the share which they(PTC SITES) will get through advertisers.
Advertisers need traffic, customers need money PTC sites offer money for viewing those advertiser websites.
PTC, (Paid To Click) Sites, often found to be the best way of making money online at home while sitting in front of your computer without any investment and more skills. The company or Web Owner who needs traffic or customers will use these PTC agents to advertise their product on basis of some money and a part of this money wil go for the viewers (PTC WEBSITE MEMBERS) for viewing those ads.


It is very simple to earn money with PTC sites, PTC jobs requires just a basic computer knowledge and speed internet connection with no proxy is enough to work. Just register all those Paying PTC sites here.
Once you completed the signup process, you are ready to earn money. These PTC sites usually pay between $0.0001 to $0.1 per advertisements you are viewing and usually available ads per day will be 4-10ads. Just click every AD and view for 30seconds, validate AD and Get paid instantly. Once reached minimum payout, withdraw your earned money through Paypal, Payza and then to your Local Bank Account.
This is not the end, you can also increase your income through referring others to this PTC sites byu using your referral links & earn almost 50% of their revenue.


All PTC sites are free to join
Working with PTC sites does requires Less Skills
No previous experience is requires


A personal computer (or) Laptop
—— Only one account per computer per IP
Speed Internet Connection With No Proxy
—— (NO VPN, VPS, proxy or shared connection allowed)
A Gmail Account
Paypal or Payza Account – To transfer your earnings.
A Bank Account


What is PTC?

PTC acts as a MiddleMen(agent) between advertisers and customers(Viewers). A simple Revenue sharing program, in which viewers will earn real money from the share which they(PTC SITES) will get through advertisers.

How to start earning with PTC?

Join those sites listed here and login daily. Go to View AD’s section and click all available ads. Repeat daily and earn. See sample video here

Rquirements to start PTC?

A Personal Computer With NO Proxy Internet Connection
A Gmail Account
Paypal Account to withdraw Earnings

How do I get Paid?

You can withdraw your earned money through online payment processors such as PayPal and/or Payza, when you reach the minimum payment threshold usually from $1 to $10.

Do I have to click AD’s daily?

PTC is not “Get Rich Quick or Any Similiar Programs”. Yet, you can make some serious cash by clicking ADs daily. Register all sites, click as many ads daily as you can, build and manage your downline and finally you will be making decent money.

What are referrals(downline)?

Referrals are those persons who join to these PTC sites using your referral links. For every AD they click, you will get a commission and it will vary from 10% to almost 50% (Read TOS of different Sites).

Direct Referrlas?

Referrals are those who joined using your referral links — Click Here to get referrals —

Rented Referrals?

Referrals that you rent for a particular period, say 30Days, from your account

How much I earn from PTC?

Your click earnings: 5 ads x $.01 = $ 0.05/day
Your referral click earnings: 50 x 5 ads x $.005 = $1.25/day
Your total earnings per day per site = $ 1.30
Your monthly earnings per site = 30 x $ 1.30 = $39
If you join just 10 best paying PTC sites, your potential earnings is: 10 x 39 = $390/month

Are these PTC sites are free to Join?

Yes! All Paid-To-Click Sites listed here are free to join. I use to work everyday so that I can say that they are paying. No investments, Set your own time to work and anywhere. Nothing to lose..! Have a TRY…

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